posticon Conditions for YTF Grants

A number of FEBS Youth Travel Funds (YTF) for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers within five years of obtaining a PhD will be available. These grants cover part of the the registration fee/ accommodation for the selected young scientists and/or may also support part of their travel costs.

Eligibility criteria to obtain YFT grants are described in detail in the guidelines here.

To be eligible for a YTF grant, individuals should apply with an abstract, a 1-page curriculum vitae and one letter of recommendation. The candidates should include with the application their full address, phone and fax numbers and their e-mail address. All applications for YTF grants must be made via the application/registration form. Verification of a FEBS constituent society or IUBMB-related society membership as well as a letter of recommendation must be sent by e-mail attachment to the FEBS-MPST2015 secretariat:

For YTF awardees from the FEBS area:

The applicant should be not older than 35, should be registered as a PhD student at an institute of higher learning in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society or should be a postdoctoral scientist within five years of having completed a PhD thesis, working in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society;

The applicant must be a member of a FEBS Constituent Society (for FEBS Constituent Societies, see the Our Members section of the website);

The applicant should not have received a grant from the Youth Travel Fund to attend a FEBS Course / Workshop in the current year or previous year, nor a Bursary to attend the FEBS Congress in the current year, nor a grant to attend the Young Scientists’ Forum in the current year;

The applicant cannot be a resident of the country hosting the event;

For awards with travel funding, only travel within the FEBS area from the applicant’s current country of residence to the country hosting the FEBS event is supported.

For YTF awardees from outside the FEBS area:

The applicant should not be older than 35, should be registered as a PhD student at an institute of higher learning in a country where there is an IUBMB-related society or should be a postdoctoral scientist within five years of having completed a PhD thesis, working in a country where there is an IUBMB-related society;

The applicant must be a member of an IUBMB-related society

The applicant should not have received a grant from the Youth Travel Fund to attend a FEBS Course / Workshop in the current year or previous year, nor a Bursary to attend the FEBS Congress in the current year, nor a grant to attend the Young Scientists’ Forum in the current year;

For awards with travel funding, only travel within the FEBS area is supported.

Deadline for YTF application: May 8th, 2015